I feel too much.

Do you think one can feel too much?
Or just feel in the wrong ways?
My insides don't match up with my outsides.
Do anyone's insides and outsides match up?
I don't know im , only me.
Maybe that's what a person's personality is:
the difference of the inside and the outside.
Just this morning, i wasn't welcome with the sentence/phrase "GOOD MORNING" it was like UGH!!! Jesus Christ, forgive me of not thinking of you first in the morning! :( I was very very very tired to get up and do something very helpful and kind. But i didn't able to do it , i ended up being pessimist and nagging myself instead, blaming all over!!!! :|||
Now flashing back all the things i've done last night, i realized how am so very NAIVE and SELF-CENTERED person. X_____X i don't want to be like this in my entire life! I want a very productive and satisfying life with my lovedones! This is the result of not having God in the first place after you woke up in a very wonderful take-off of the sweetest dreamland you had. That's why you should cling to God, because SATAN loves unexpectable surprises that measured your faithfulness and obedience of our DEAR FATHER IN HEAVEN!
Sorry for the special person i've hurt so much this morning, i didn't intend to do it. I know, you knew it. I love you so much.
It's like We’ve all been sorry, we’ve all been hurt
But how we survive, is what makes us who we are. You could also say that Maybe who we are isn’t so much about what we do, but rather what we’re capable of when we least expect it. After all, that's you. :)
That's all for today, its 11:24 am already and i need to go now. Will take a bath and then pray before i leave the house. :) Be blessed everyone. :) ^__^